1st International
Science and Technology

under the auspices of the European Parliament
and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy, Mr Waldemar Pawlak

December 7th - 8th 2011
in Krakow, Poland
at AGH University
of Science and Technology



The Organizing Committee
of Conference
AGH University
of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining
and Geoengineering

al. Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Kraków
tel. +48 12 6174491
+48 12 6172172
+48 12 6174492
fax. +48 12 6173908


Conference Topics

Thematic sessions of the Conference "Marine mining as the resources opportunity for future generations" will be held on the following topics:

  • Seas and oceans - the resources future,
  • Geology, methods of researching the bottoms of seas and oceans, documentation and estimation of deposits' resources,
  • Legal issues in sea mining industry,
  • Visions of technologies for marine mining,
  • Marine mining: new challenges in the area of navigation, vessels' traffic and safety procedures in the sea,
  • Economic aspects of acquiring mineral resources from the depths of seas and oceans.

© 2011 AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow